Sunday, January 10, 2010

Catching Up- Week 1 Report

Well the first week of our journey is up and we have made a lot of strides toward our goals. Although I didn't blog, we continued working out for 6 of the 8 days. Wow... that sounds like SO much considering we never worked out before. We drank 2 regular sodas the whole week, when we used to drink 2-3 per day. Our caloric intake is so much lower and we see the results!

Drum roll please........................Amie lost 4 1/2 pounds!!!! Thomas lost 5 pounds!!!!

We really appreciate all the encouragement and support. Please feel free to share recipes, suggestions, tips, whatever you think might help us!

Here's to hoping for even more strides on our journey during week 2!


  1. oh- and p.s. the shoe problem is probably due to the wrong shoe for your foot. get inserts, or worse case new shoes.

  2. Great job!!!! That is awesome. Keep up the good work. Is the Biggest Loser game on the Wii Fit good? I have the Jenny McCarthy one, Shape Up. I have only done it once-it was a good workout. How hard is the Biggest Loser one? I need something that I can work out with that won't kick my butt too bad and make me quit. I am SO out of shape! I needed oxygen after 15 minutes of the Shape Up game.

  3. Thanks, Maggie for the suggestion on the shoes.

    Michelle, the Biggest Loser game is great and you don't have to use it with the Wii Fit, which was great for us since we didn't have another $100 to dish out. It has all levels and types of workouts you choose from. We are currently on light since we are just getting into working out, but there is also moderate and advanced with different length of workout too. I am frustrated with it tonight though because it has lost all my logs (calories and exercise) since Thursday! I think we may have to call someone on it because we can't figure it out!
